Sunday, June 14, 2009

Art and Wine Festival

We took Kara to her first Art and Wine Festival in Walnut Creek. We did not give her any beer, but man she sure tries to get it!


Kara loves to play peek-a-boo. She peeks around the corner of her crib to see if you are there. It is really cute to watch.

Pretty Bow

I just LOVE this picture of Kara! I say it all the time, but she is the happiest, sweetest, cutest baby EVER!!!!!

Funny Faces...

Kara was biting me in the arm and I was taking her picture. I caught her with this face, and I swear she is NOT MAD. Brian and I laughed pretty hard about this little evil face she is making..... Gotta love the Kara-mel!

Summer Hat

My mom sent Kara this hat, and I put it on to take her picture, she is such a little darling!

Waking up

Who wouldn't want to wake up to this adorable face. Kara is just too cute for words! Thanks for the cute new sleepers, Gramma!


I painted some letters to hang in Kara's room, and Brian put them up tonight. I think they look really nice :)

Homemade Peas, Please!

I attempted last week to make Kara some homemade peas. Well, they did not turn out so great, so I bought a book. She loved them on round 2!!! I really enjoyed making them, and am SO happy that she liked them this time around. Here are some pictures of her enjoying her homemade peas.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Baby Blues!

Kara has the most beautiful blue eyes. Here are some pictures that bring out her baby blues!

Swing Town!

Kara really enjoys swinging at the park. I bought this swing about 2 weeks ago, and Brian put it up last night. Kara was a little unsure at first, but I think that she just needed to get used to it. She had a great time swinging last night. This is also a nice break for Brian and I, as we don't have to chase her all over the house on her crawling escapades!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Kara imitating mommy

Kim wants all interested parties to know that is was not her that burped, but infact it was little Miss Kara. Hmmm, I don't know....I'll let you decide :)