Saturday, May 30, 2009

Garden '09

Seems to be a great year for the annual Veggi garden. This is my first year starting my Tomatoes and Peppers from seed. I sowed the Tomato and pepper seeds on February 11th, and put them in their final home outside on April 11th.
Their initial 8 weeks of life were in our garage on a shelf in my gorilla rack under two cheapo fluorescent shop lights.

Here they are 3 days after sowing the seeds

Now they are starting to look like Tomatoes and peppers :)

These pictures take forever to post, so fast forward to today.
Had my first harvest of some Dwarf Sugar Snap Peas. Went fresh into our salad tonight and were excellent!!!
One of the tomato plants is approaching 6' tall and all seem to be doing splendid. Peppers have set pods and are doing well too.
Most are growing in my home made self watering containers with cages I integrated into the containers.
Just for a size reference, the lower black cages are 56" tall, the extensions add another three feet, and I fully expect they will be utilizing all of the heigth considering its still May and our growing season here in Nor Cal lasts till late Oct!

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