Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sick Baby :(

Last night Brian and I noticed that Kara felt a little hot, and was just not her normal self. We took her temperature, and sure enough 101.7 - a fever, her first. We gave her some Tylenol and put her to bed. At about 4 a.m. she woke up screaming. We tried to soothe her, and she was not having it. We again took her temperature, and it was at 100.5, so we gave her a little more Tylenol and put her back to bed. Well she woke up bright and early around 6:30 this morning, and she was not really running a fever, so we gave her a bottle and brought her into bed with us. She took the bottle, thank goodness, and then fell asleep for a little while.

I called the doctor at 8 this morning, and they said to watch it until Friday, and if she continues to have a fever, to call back on Friday and bring her in. I am so sad for my little baby. She is not acting like herself at all, she is way more sleepy, and wants to be held when she is not. She won't even play with her toys, that is so not Kara! I feel terrible as a parent, and helpless, I never thought she would get sick, yet I guess it had to happen.

We had a tour booked today for part of Brian's birthday gift, at the Anchor Steam Brewery in San Francisco. I booked this tour back in late April as they book something like six to eight weeks in advance. I am a little bummed that I will not be able to attend with everyone, but Kara needs her rest, and her mommy!

I took some pictures of the sweet little angel sleeping. You can see it in her eyes that she is not feeling well, they look puffy, and red. She is just like me, cannot fake sick! Poor baby!

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