Saturday, December 12, 2009

Cutie Pie

Here are some pictures of our little cutie pie, Kara! She is growing up way to fast. Her vocabulary is amazing, she now says:
Shoe - picks up a shoe, sock, hi, bye, mama, dada, papa, nose, no, mouth, baby, good girl, moo, meow, mine, car, uppie, down, and tickle, tickle, tickle. We think that she is the smartest baby on the planet. She also knows sign language for more, all done, and hungry. Not too shabby for 13 1/2 months!

1 comment:

Serenity Now said...

Wow! She's saying ALOT...Adam doesn't say nearly that much and he's like 6 months older. Those boys are always lagging behind :)
Before you know it, she'll be stringing together sentences!