Sunday, June 13, 2010


Kara is growing up TOO fast! I cannot believe how time flies by when your having fun, and we are having a BLAST! Today Kara is not feeling too well, so I have a moment to sit and blog some stuff for all to read. Kara is really becoming little miss independent, and I am slowly starting to call her my little Sassyfrass! She says so many words now, and is slowly starting to put them together. We are going to Chicago in a couple of days, and I am looking forward to her seeing my family and friends. She is such a sweet little girl, and so polite! She says "Bless you" when you sneeze, and if she sneezes and you are not quick enough to say it to her, she will say it for you. She says "Please, Thank YOu, and Welcome" I just love hearing her sweet little voice! Here are some pictures of our growing little girl :)

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