Tuesday, July 13, 2010


It has been a while since we have blogged, busy here in Martinez I guess!!! In June, Kara and I flew back to McHenry for my sister Kelly's wedding shower. I was VERY nervous about the flight, but Kara was a champ! Kara did not cry at all, and she was just amazing! I was so proud of her!!!! The unfortunate part of our trip was that Kara was sick the entire time :( Before we left she had a fever, but she was not running a fever the day we left, which was good. However, she just never got back to 100%. Overall, the trip was nice. Grandma and Papa watched Kara while Kelly and I drove to Indiana to finalize some wedding stuff, I just wish she was feeling better for them. Kelly's shower was amazing, the food was wonderful, the venue was beautiful, and the company was fantastic! Kelly got a lot of great gifts, including some beautiful bedside carafes - hahaha! We are all looking forward to the wedding on July 31st! We are all lucky enough to be in the wedding and stand up for Kelly and Marc on their special day!!!!!

On a different note, summer has been super. Kara and I have been having lots of play dates with our friends. We go to Gymboree on Tuesday's, Waterworld on Monday's and all sorts of other things throughout the week. We have made some really fabulous friends through Gymboree! I have been doing Jazzercise 4-5 times a week, I am HOOKED! Brian has been very busy in the yard, and building things for the new patio!!!! I will be posting pictures of our new patio soon. We have really been enjoying the space, and Kara loves it. We have a little pool out there for Kara, along with a water table, courtesy of our friends the Van Akens. I have also been enjoying being able to bake, and cook more now that I am off of work. Kara even helped me to make some banana chocolate chip bread and it was yummy! Enjoy some of the pictures I am posting. I will try not to be so late with blogging in the future.....

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